Anxiety can be crippling – always worrying about things that might happen or whether you did something wrong or should have done it differently. It can keep you overthinking every little aspect of life.
Normally anxiety is an appropriate response to stress and activates physiological systems for us to deal with the stress. Part of what is activated is a desire to control what we can in life, which helps to bring the anxiety levels down. When anxiety has started to become a problem and these systems are activated all the time, then we need to look further into what is happening.
We can work together on two levels with anxiety. Firstly, there are tools to help manage the anxiety on a day-to-day basis. Secondly, we will look deeper at where the anxiety has come from and what might be contributing to it, perhaps something from the past. My belief is that when you have awareness of what is happening for you and your anxiety, that is the first step to being able to change it.
There can be many complex aspects to anxiety (and its sibling depression). Please do feel free to contact me for us to have a chat about how it is affecting you and how I might be able to help.